After you make sure that the ls teams finished their taskbot, you could ask this question to your ls:
Now what should this robot do?
you will definitely hear that robot should MOVE.
Yes !! the robot has two wheels so it has to move.
To start the ls must guess that there is something missing in there robot witch is a program to command this robot--> So we open the NXT-G program (that comes with the lego mindstorm kit)
*ls create a project with there group name
*save the project in a descent place in the hard drive
The front view
NXT-G is a wonderful environment for developing software and to discover programming. it uses a graphical language witch based on the flowchart concept.
*Ls localize and drag and drop the move blok into the programming area.
After That it's time to configure the move block.
Move block general configuration:
*ls click on the move block a configuration panel opens in the bottom of the windows.
Ports: are the ports where we connected our motor
Direction: a robot can move forward, backward or stop
Steering : give the example of the bicycle , how can a cyclist control the rotation of its bicycle. We will discuss this function later.
Power : explain the direct relation between POWER ENERGY and SPEED.
Duration: this parameter specify how long the robot will execute this block before going to the next block in the flowchart.
Next action: witch is a field that tells what to do after finishing this block. The robot will stop immediately execute breaks plus stopping power or will take it's time while stopping with just stop its power.
Make the robot move :))))
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