In our second class this week, we talked about a strong concept in programming nxt based robots witch is the
flowchart. So what's the flowchart and why we need to learn it ? And how could this thing help us?
Try to start with an activity and a simple question:
The activity was to stand from one place and go drink a glass of water witch placed on a table three steps away.
The question then was what actions would a person do for making this specific task?
At first kids will try to guess (with the instructor help ) the motions needed to be done by a person and give a general idea about it.
something like this: stand -->walk --> drink the water.
After they all convinced of this task dividing ask this questions:
Can we walk before we stand?
Is it possible for us to drink water while we still walking?
So kids will realize that to get to our goal witch is drinking water we need to follow the exact order of this tasks.
We have already divided our general task to three sub tasks. from go drink water to stand -->walk --> drink the water.
No The second question:
Imagine that this person is a robot what are the other sub tasks needed to be done to "stand" to "walk" and to "drink water".
Now every ls should start to guess all the little tiny tasks that needed to be done
in order to achieve the bigger tasks.
Let them test and think for 30 minutes, then take their trials and evaluate every trial.
examples of trials you could find:
stand : move both legs together
walk: move first leg-->move second leg-->move first leg --> move second leg
drink: put forward right arm--> catch the glass --> move right arm to mouth --> DRINK WATER
some trials would be a little deeper than others, but the deeper the better.
There is no course about flowchart for now, they have to get the idea about ordering and dividing tasks to smaller tasks to achieve their goals.
The design of the flowchart will be studied in parallel with other stuff in the future.