LCD can be a very useful part in any microcontroller based project. It helps to monitor variables and program status with simple texts or numbers.
For this application I used a JHD 162 A alphanumeric LCD, like the picture above.
It hast 16 pins specified like this
VEE is used for contrast, so attache it to a potentiometer and choose your best contrast. Or simply plug it to 5V if you need maximum contrast.
D0, D1, D2, D3 are grounded
I managed to find a library for STM32VL, so I needed to bring some changes to it before it works. This library works both for JHD 162A and the hd44780.
//****************************************************************************** // THE SOFTWARE INCLUDED IN THIS FILE IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY. // AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT // OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING // FROM USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. //****************************************************************************** //############################################################################## // lcd_hd44780.h //############################################################################## //****************************************************************************// #include "main.h" #define LCD_GPIO GPIOD #define LCD_CLK_LINE RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD #define LCD_D4 GPIO_Pin_1 #define LCD_D5 GPIO_Pin_3 #define LCD_D6 GPIO_Pin_5 #define LCD_D7 GPIO_Pin_7 #define LCD_RS GPIO_Pin_0 #define LCD_RW GPIO_Pin_2 #define LCD_EN GPIO_Pin_4 //******************************************************************************// #define HD44780_CLEAR 0x01 #define HD44780_HOME 0x02 #define HD44780_ENTRY_MODE 0x04 #define HD44780_EM_SHIFT_CURSOR 0 #define HD44780_EM_SHIFT_DISPLAY 1 #define HD44780_EM_DECREMENT 0 #define HD44780_EM_INCREMENT 2 #define HD44780_DISPLAY_ONOFF 0x08 #define HD44780_DISPLAY_OFF 0 #define HD44780_DISPLAY_ON 4 #define HD44780_CURSOR_OFF 0 #define HD44780_CURSOR_ON 2 #define HD44780_CURSOR_NOBLINK 0 #define HD44780_CURSOR_BLINK 1 #define HD44780_DISPLAY_CURSOR_SHIFT 0x10 #define HD44780_SHIFT_CURSOR 0 #define HD44780_SHIFT_DISPLAY 8 #define HD44780_SHIFT_LEFT 0 #define HD44780_SHIFT_RIGHT 4 #define HD44780_FUNCTION_SET 0x20 #define HD44780_FONT5x7 0 #define HD44780_FONT5x10 4 #define HD44780_ONE_LINE 0 #define HD44780_TWO_LINE 8 #define HD44780_4_BIT 0 #define HD44780_8_BIT 16 #define HD44780_CGRAM_SET 0x40 #define HD44780_DDRAM_SET 0x80 //############################################################## void lcd_init(void); void lcd_cls(void); void lcd_str(unsigned char * text); void lcd_strxy(unsigned char * text, unsigned char x, unsigned char y); void lcd_locate(unsigned char x, unsigned char y); void lcd_int(int n); void lcd_intxy(int n, unsigned char x, unsigned char y); //############################################################### void lcd_writedata(unsigned char dataToWrite); void lcd_writecommand(unsigned char commandToWrite); void lcd_writebinary(unsigned int var, unsigned char bitCount); void lcd_addchar (unsigned char chrNum, unsigned char n, const unsigned char *p);
#include "lcd_hd44780.h" #include "stm32f4xx_gpio.h" #include#include #include #include "stm32f4_discovery.h" GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_writenibble(unsigned char nibbleToWrite) { GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_EN, Bit_SET); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D4,(BitAction) (nibbleToWrite & 0x01)); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D5,(BitAction)(nibbleToWrite & 0x02)); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D6,(BitAction)(nibbleToWrite & 0x04)); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D7,(BitAction)(nibbleToWrite & 0x08)); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_EN, Bit_RESET); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char LCD_ReadNibble(void) { unsigned char tmp = 0; GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_EN, Bit_SET); tmp |= (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D4) << 0); tmp |= (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D5) << 1); tmp |= (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D6) << 2); tmp |= (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_D7) << 3); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_EN, Bit_RESET); return tmp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char LCD_ReadStatus(void) { unsigned char status = 0; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_D4 | LCD_D5 | LCD_D6 | LCD_D7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN; GPIO_Init(LCD_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RW, Bit_SET); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RS, Bit_RESET); status |= (LCD_ReadNibble() << 4); status |= LCD_ReadNibble(); GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_D4 | LCD_D5 | LCD_D6 | LCD_D7; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT; GPIO_Init(LCD_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); return status; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_writedata(unsigned char dataToWrite) { GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RW, Bit_RESET); GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RS, Bit_SET); lcd_writenibble(dataToWrite >> 4); lcd_writenibble(dataToWrite & 0x0F); while(LCD_ReadStatus() & 0x80); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_writecommand(unsigned char commandToWrite) { GPIO_WriteBit(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RW | LCD_RS, Bit_RESET); lcd_writenibble(commandToWrite >> 4); lcd_writenibble(commandToWrite & 0x0F); while(LCD_ReadStatus() & 0x80); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_str(unsigned char * text) { while(*text) lcd_writedata(*text++); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_locate(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) { lcd_writecommand(HD44780_DDRAM_SET | (x + (0x40 * y))); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_strxy(unsigned char * text, unsigned char x, unsigned char y) { lcd_locate(x,y); while(*text) lcd_writedata(*text++); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_writebinary(unsigned int var, unsigned char bitCount) { signed char i; for(i = (bitCount - 1); i >= 0; i--) { lcd_writedata((var & (1 << i))?'1':'0'); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LCD_ShiftLeft(void) { lcd_writecommand(HD44780_DISPLAY_CURSOR_SHIFT | HD44780_SHIFT_LEFT | HD44780_SHIFT_DISPLAY); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LCD_ShiftRight(void) { lcd_writecommand(HD44780_DISPLAY_CURSOR_SHIFT | HD44780_SHIFT_RIGHT | HD44780_SHIFT_DISPLAY); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_init(void) { volatile unsigned char i = 0; volatile unsigned int delayCnt = 0; RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(LCD_CLK_LINE, ENABLE); GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_D4|LCD_D5|LCD_D6|LCD_D7|LCD_RS|LCD_RW|LCD_EN; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT; GPIO_Init(LCD_GPIO, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_ResetBits(LCD_GPIO, LCD_RS | LCD_EN | LCD_RW); for(delayCnt = 0; delayCnt < 300000; delayCnt++); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lcd_writenibble(0x03); for(delayCnt = 0; delayCnt < 30000; delayCnt++); } lcd_writenibble(0x02); for(delayCnt = 0; delayCnt < 6000; delayCnt++); lcd_writecommand(HD44780_FUNCTION_SET | HD44780_FONT5x7 | HD44780_TWO_LINE | HD44780_4_BIT); lcd_writecommand(HD44780_DISPLAY_ONOFF | HD44780_DISPLAY_OFF); lcd_writecommand(HD44780_CLEAR); lcd_writecommand(HD44780_ENTRY_MODE | HD44780_EM_SHIFT_CURSOR | HD44780_EM_INCREMENT); lcd_writecommand(HD44780_DISPLAY_ONOFF | HD44780_DISPLAY_ON | HD44780_CURSOR_OFF | HD44780_CURSOR_NOBLINK); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_addchar (unsigned char chrNum, unsigned char n, const unsigned char *p) { lcd_writecommand(HD44780_CGRAM_SET | chrNum * 8); n *= 8; do lcd_writedata(*p++); while (--n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void lcd_cls(void){ lcd_writecommand(HD44780_CLEAR); } unsigned char* intToStr(int n){ int i = 0; int j = 0; char *tmp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)); unsigned char *ret = (unsigned char*)malloc(12); if(n<0 data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-j="" data-blogger-escaped-n="" data-blogger-escaped-ret="-" data-blogger-escaped-while="">9){ *tmp = n%10+48; n-=n%10; n/=10; tmp++; i++; } *tmp = n+48; i++; while(i--){ ret[j++] = *tmp--; } return ret; } void lcd_int(int a){ unsigned short ch, first; //you need this to display 0 if there was any char //Get first char ch = a/10000; if(ch){ lcd_writedata(48+ch); first = 1; } //Get second char ch = (a/1000)%10; if(ch || first){ lcd_writedata(48+ch); first = 1; } //Get third char ch = (a/100)%10; if(ch || first){ lcd_writedata(48+ch); first = 1; } //Get fourth char ch = (a/10)%10; if(ch || first){ lcd_writedata(48+ch); //first = 1; //q } //Get fifth char ch = a%10; //if(ch || first) //you dont need to check las one if ch is 0 then just display it, unless you dont want to then uncomment this line ("//q" line too) lcd_writedata(48+ch); // lcd_str(intToStr(n)); } void lcd_intxy(int n, unsigned char x, unsigned char y){ lcd_locate(x,y); lcd_int(n); }
lcd_init(); while (1) { lcd_locate(1,0); lcd_str("Mazen"); lcd_locate(7,0); lcd_str("A."); lcd_locate(0,1); lcd_str("-3125"); }
Number display function is fixed